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Léonard Combier, labyrinthine illustration


With an attention to detail pushed to the extreme, Léonard Combier‘s huge labyrinthine graphic works he creates in ink and POSCA on very large-scale formats.

Year after year, Léonard Combier built a dizzying universe where every component seems connected to all the others: strangely likeable fluorescent monsters and cables join a multitude of “pastel” characters. But there is no visible chaos, everything appears controlled: these complex geometric spaces, whimsical and meticulously illustrated, seem to come together to form a “great and absolute whole”, as if the artist’s goal was to compete with the Internet by creating a “mega baroque network” reminiscent of his childhood dreams and open to all.

 My  goal  here  is  to  amuse  the  spectator  and  lure  them  into  my  world.  I  want  to  make  every  piece  a  maze  through  which  you  can  pleasantly  wander  and  explore  every  nook  and  cranny.   
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Materials used by Léonard Combier
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