Shake the marker energetically up and down with the cap on. You will hear the ball inside clicking announcing that the paint colour inside the POSCA marker is being mixed.
Press the tip several times on a spare piece of paper until the tip is filled with paint. Test the flow on your spare paper – if the line is clear, your POSCA is ready. It is useful to keep a cloth at hand to clean the tip easily or absorb any excess paint.
If the paint flows less freely during use, shake the marker again without forgetting to put the cap on first to avoid paint projections. Re-prime the tip and off you go again!
If necessary, you can clean the tip under the tap as often as you want. If it gets very dry, you can even leave it to soak in water overnight.
If the tip becomes damaged, it can be turned round or even replaced with a new tip bought separately.
Reversible tips: PC-3M and PC-5M
Replaceable tips: PC-1MC, PC-3M, PC-5M, PC-7M, PC-8K, PC-17K.
POSCA markers can be kept in any position as long as the cap is fermly put back on after use. The ball inside can be used to mix the paint, which is perfectly conserved inside the body of the marker. The brush-tipped POSCA should be kept horizontal if possible.
Most POSCA tips are washable and replaceable (PC-1MC, PC-3M, PC-5m, PC-7M, PC-8K and PC-17K). Some are also reversible (PC-3M and PC-5M). If a tip ever dries out over time (for example if the cap was not put back on properly), you can soak it in a glass of water to be able to use it again.